
Do you stand out from the crowd? Does your reader take one look at your messaging and know that you’re the one for them? If the answer is no, you’re not doing it right.

The written word is everywhere: websites, blogs, social media. Getting the right message to your chosen audience is your key to success. Your words must create an impact. To create value for your reader, the content should be engaging, it should hit them between the eyes and make them sit up and take notice. You want your reader to do something; to pick up the phone, to buy something or to click through to your website. To make that happen, the message they receive must be right for them.

If you would like some help in writing content for your blog or website, if you’re looking for someone with a background in marketing and a good understanding of SEO, then I’m your person! I write extensively for both B2B and B2C markets, covering topics from engineering products, materials, health and fitness, pets and beauty.

“Claire is fast, accurate and interesting – all the things you look for in an excellent copy writer! As an agency owner, we have a high demand for content. We have worked with Claire for a few years now on a range of different clients’ content. Claire writes really well for the technical sector, probably because of her technical background, but also for leisure, hospitality and retail. We have many very happy clients, so the proof really is in the pudding!”

Rachel Wilson, KW Digital

Proofreading and editing:

Often referred to asĀ  proof-editing outside of the publishing industry, the service I offer can range from proofreading (a final, detailed read-through looking at very minor changes), through to a light edit to ensure that the language used is consistent and appropriate to the readership, as well as checking spelling, punctuation, grammar and all the other things traditionally undertaken by a proofreader. I can also undertake a more substantial copy-edit, taking a batch of content and revising it to suit your brand, existing (or new) style, and your audience, as well all the language-based items listed above.

“Proofing is both an art and a skill, and it is a task I hate, which is why we outsource our proofing to Claire. In a typical month, we can have 50 pieces of content to proof, so our requirements are generally high and short notice. Claire never lets us down, she takes every piece from good-enough to perfect and provides valuable feedback to our team along the way. I would recommend her services to anyone.”

Rachel Wilson, KW Digital.

I am a member of the Society for Proofreaders and Editors, and will therefore work within the guidelines of their Code of Practice.